
The IEEE TechEthics resources library provides access to an extensive set of content covering a wide range of technology topics.

Universal Access to Energy | Session 1: New Technologies & Related Social Impacts | IEEE TechEthics & UN-DESA

New Technologies, Ethics and Policy Engagement for Sustainable Development | Universal Access to Energy | Session 1: New Technologies & Related Social Impacts

What are some promising technologies to ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all? What are some of the key ethical, legal and policy-related concerns? This session addresses these key questions and more.
Blockchain technology fintech cryptocurrency block chain server abstract background. Linked block contain cryptography hash and transaction data. New futuristic system technology. Vector illustration.

Case Studies of Social and Ethical Impacts of Blockchain Technology

This module offers several practical case studies on the development and application of blockchain technologies, analysed to highlight their social and ethical impacts. These case studies helped shape the narrative and normative framing of blockchain technologies within their communities, and consequently public discourse. By analysing the ethical issues and controversies that arose in these case studies, the complex terrain of ethical decision-making in the development and application of blockchain technologies will be made explicit.
The cover of IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine. Features a robot in the style of Rodin's The Thinker sculpture.

IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine: Special Issue on AI Ethics

In this special issue of IEEE Security & Privacy magazine, researchers from across disciplines discuss strategies to prevent a future in which AI defeats liberal values, including privacy, equal protection under the law, and due process.
Health & Human Well-Being | Session 3: Engagement Opportunities & Policy Debate Roundtable | IEEE TechEthics & UN-DESA

New Technologies, Ethics and Policy Engagement for Sustainable Development | Health & Human Well-Being | Session 3: Engagement Opportunities & Policy Debate Roundtable

This roundtable session provides information on how to get engaged in the UN and its policy debates on technologies for health and human well-being, as well as similar engagement opportunities across various parts of IEEE.
The cover of IEEE Technology & Society Magainze on Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications.

IEEE Technology and Society Magazine: Special Issue on Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications

This joint special issue with IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine demonstrates the importance of thinking about the socio-ethical potential implications from robots in health, to robots for the military, from robots that serve a specific function in the workplace, to bot software that might well be used to misinform or manipulate the masses.
Health & Human Well-Being | Session 2: Ethical, Legal & Policy Considerations | IEEE TechEthics & UN-DESA

New Technologies, Ethics and Policy Engagement for Sustainable Development | Health & Human Well-Being | Session 2: Ethical, Legal & Policy Considerations

This session features an expert panel addressing some of the key considerations of new and emerging technologies for health and human well-being, followed by a Q&A session.
Decorative graphic.

Ensuring Data Protection and Data Safety

The creation of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation in the EU means that every European organization has to account for the safe and proper handling of citizen’s personal data or risk a fine of up to 4% on their gross annual revenue. This legislation provides a massive opportunity to increase ethical considerations in the creation of AI/S and technology in general where organizations can go beyond compliance and reframe innovation to provably align their products and services with end user values.
A screenshot of the WannaCry virus demanding bitcoin in exchange of file release and recovery.

WannaCry Update: Microsoft Pushes a “Geneva Convention” to Thwart Cyberattacks

How a headline-grabbing moment in cybersecurity was used as a call for a “Digital Geneva Convention” to limit and defang future cyberattacks.
Health & Human Well-Being | Session 1: New Technology Presentations | IEEE TechEthics & UN-DESA

New Technologies, Ethics and Policy Engagement for Sustainable Development | Health & Human Well-Being | Session 1: New Technology Presentations

What are some new technologies for health and well-being? What is their development status? What scale of investment is needed? This session features presentations by leading technologists addressing these key questions and more.