
The IEEE TechEthics resources library provides access to an extensive set of content covering a wide range of technology topics.

White text reads Emerging Technologies for the Control of Human Brain Dynamics on silver and purple background.

Emerging Technologies for the Control of Human Brain Dynamics

Neuroscientist Danielle Bassett provides a review of the intersection of neuroscience, control theory, and network science, their promise for enhancing cognition and treating disorders of mental health, their current limitations, and relevant ethical considerations.
Red and white title slide from the presentation at IEEE Sections Congress 2017 featuring the title "Who Should the Car Hit?" and an image of Javier Gozalvez, president of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

Who Should the Car Hit?

Javier Gozalvez, President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, describes how the automotive industry is being challenged by the ethical implications of automation and artificial intelligence for self-driving vehicles. How do we choose what the car should hit in an accident?
Red and white title slide from the presentation at IEEE Sections Congress 2017 featuring the title Tackingly Cyber-hate Incitement, and Dangerous Fake News" and an image of Andre Oboler, Online Hate Prevention Institute

Tackling Cyber-Hate, Incitement and Dangerous Fake News

Dr. Andre Oboler, CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI), ponders if the advancement of technology is actually creating new problems for humanity? Looking at both the good and bad sides of online media, Dr. Oboler explains what OHPI seeks to accomplish.
Red and white title slide from the presentation at IEEE Sections Congress 2017 featuring the title "the Ethical Imperative of Safety" and an image of Stefan Mozar, Product Safety Engineering Society

The Ethical Imperative of Safety

Stefan Mozar, from the Product Safety Engineering Society, speaks about ethics in engineering, especially when it comes to safety protocol for product development. Mozar reviews general principles to follow when it comes to designing machines and technologies for the public.
Image of Toby Walsh wearing a patterned shirt, in a hotel lobby.

A Conversation with…Toby Walsh

An interview with AI researcher Toby Walsh.
Image of Francesca Rossi, in a grey striped blazer, in a large windowed conference room.

A Conversation with…Francesca Rossi

An interview with AI researcher Francesca Rossi.
Image of AJung Moon, dark blazer, in a large room with multiple white columns.

A Conversation with…AJung Moon

An interview with roboethicist AJung Moon.
Image of Richard Mallah in a large room with oversized lounge chairs, similar to what might be found in a tech office building.

A Conversation with…Richard Mallah

An interview with AI researcher Richard Mallah.
Image of Wendell Wallach, dark striped short sleeved shirt, glasses, looking about to laugh.

A Conversation with…Wendell Wallach

An interview with ethicist Wendell Wallach.