
Societal Impacts of Smart Grid Technology: Benefits and Challenges

4 + 1: The Impacts of Academia, Economics, Government and Civil Society on Sustainable Development

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Panel Discussion. Image of five speakers.

Panel Discussion | Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ ICRA 2022

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Surface signatures of ocean subduction for targeted sampling. Image of speaker Helga S. Huntley

Surface Signatures of Ocean Subduction for Targeted Sampling

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Design and Deployment of Marine Robotics for Environmental Exploration and Monitoring. Image of speaker Wilhelm Marais

Design and Deployment of Marine Robotics for Environmental Exploration and Monitoring

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Image of speaker Johanna Hansen

Actionable Dynamics Modeling for Drifter Prediction

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Stein Particle Filter for Nonlinear, Nan-Gaussian State Estimation. Image of speaker Fabio Ramos.

Stein Particle Filter for Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian State Estimation

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Human-Computer Interaction for Precision Agriculture. Image of speaker Rahul Raj.

Human-Computer Interaction for Precision Agriculture

Text reads Robotics for Climate Change Workshop @ICRA 2022. Can Low-Cost Robots Help Us Understand Ice-Ocean Interactions Leading to Global Sea Level Rise? Image of speaker Mandar Chitre.

Can Low-Cost Robots Help Us Understand Ice-Ocean Interactions Leading to Global Sea Level Rise?