
Father of the Cyborgs: Panel Discussion

ICRA 2022 Working on Addressing Ethical and Technical Challenges in the Development, Use, and Governance of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS). An image of Jonathan Morena and the text, The Neuroethics of LAWS from Neural Networks to Robotics and Back Again

The Neuroethics of LAWS from Neural Networks to Robotics and Back Again

White background with text - Wrapping Your Head Around Mind Control: Ethical Implications of Neurotechnology. Logos of IEEE Brain and IEEE TechEthics. Photos of speakers (left to right) Laura Cabrera, Jennifer French, Nicole Martinez-Martin, and Mark Vasquez.

Wrapping Your Head Around Mind Control: Ethical Implications of Neurotechnology

Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported

Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported

Slips of paper with buzzwords like "ethics" "values" "fairness" and more are strewn about.

Ethical Issues in Neural Technologies

concept of brain power, graphic of brain with lightning and broken polygon element

Neuroethics in Focus

Text reads: Brave New Brain Tech - IEEE Neuroethics Program Development of Guidelines for Use of Neurotechnologies in Practice with photos of the five panelists.

Brave New Brain-Tech

A barbell with a vivid-colored brain in center bar, implying exercising the mind.

Neuropriming: What Are The Ethical Implications?

A Conversation with Danielle Bassett: IEEE TechEthics Interview. White text on silver and purple background.

A Conversation with…Danielle Bassett